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Selectmen Minutes 12/13/06
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
       Wednesday – December 13, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Dumas called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
6:00 – Greenfield Church Rep., Michael Sparling –  
 Mr. Sparling met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the matter between the Town and the church regarding the lease.  Sparling reported the church body met on December 3, 2006 and voted not to pursue the lease.  Sparling further stated that the decision was not based on anything lease related; the process itself has forced the church to examine the Congregation closely.  It was determined that for many years some folks have felt the building does not fit the needs of the church any longer.  Through this process it has been determined that to be true.  They will live out the lease until 2009, by then they will have a plan in place.  An extension is unlikely, but if necessary they will keep the Selectmen informed.  It is the will of the church they are leaving the building in two years.
Through this process some questions have come up from the church:
1.      Does the town have a deed for that property
2.      Is there actual proof of ownership
3.      If the town does own the building, would the town consider selling the building
No answer is expected immediately, but these questions were brought up and Mr. Sparling wanted to allow the Selectmen time to research these questions and think about them.
Discussion followed  
Action:  Research on these questions will be done.  The property file will be reviewed for records.  Administrative Assistant will check with the Historical Society, as well as requesting the church for copies of the old files.
Items to consider, closely assess the value of the building
After this meeting, Phillip Martus will be the head of the leadership committee, as well as the contact for the church.
Selectmen asked this remain on the agenda as on-going business.

6:30 – John Hopkins –
Mr. Hopkins discussed a function that will be held on August 18 & 19; the Greenfield Trails Association is renting Oak Park in conjunction with Eastern Fat Tire Association.  They are supporting a benefit for Crotched Mtn., the Greenfield Trails Association & Oak Park.  This is just basically an update for Selectmen; the fundraiser will be a 60-mile race and will go from Greenfield to several abutting communities.  The Trails Association is asking permission for the racers to sleep at the park, they racers leave at 6:00 am, and there will be no alcohol. They wanted to bring this to the Selectmen’s attention; basically it is the same as the Calvary, camping off the road etc.
Selectman Rainier asked about the rest rooms
Hopkins stated that they wouldn’t open the building restrooms; they would get port- a-johns, or pay for extra cleaning on the johns that are there.
Selectmen thanked Hopkins for the update.
6:40 – Janet Romanelli (Open Space Committee)
The proposed warrant article was discussed.  Ms. Romanelli opened by asking if the Board if they have had a chance to review the proposal, the Board indicated they had.  They briefly reviewed the warrant article, touched on the main points; the rate of growth was discussed.
Administrative Assistant will check this for accuracy when she speaks to the SAU Office next.
Lengthy discussion followed, Selectman Dumas discussed their support for the idea, and however the Board is in agreement this year they can only support using ½ of the Land Use Change Tax for this fund.
Romanelli discussed she strongly believes the town needs to be committed to 100%
Discussion of the quality of life and various reasons why everyone has the feelings of this that they have, and believe this is going to increase taxes rather than help taxes.
Romanelli questioned how does the Board come up with proposed revenues.  It was explained, subdivisions, new house lots, sales etc., are all variables in this particular revenue estimate.
Dumas discussed the Budget Hearing scheduled for Feb. 8, 2006 at 6:30; he further suggested that would be a good time for this committee to present this idea.
Dumas discussed that the Open Space Committee has done a good job supporting their justification for their warrant article.  Selectmen Dumas & Kullgren stated they would agree to a minimum of $5,000 and up to 50% of the entire LUCT revenue.  Selectman Rainier did not comment at this time.

Other Business:
·       P/R checks approval; A/P Invoices
·       Minutes - Accept minutes of 12/7/06 (Selectman Rainier did not accept the minutes, they were X through they will be resubmitted at the meeting of 12/20) & 12/13/06
·       Complaint – A resident contacted the Central Office with concerns of a Jeep for sale at the end of Holden Road – Rte 31.  Is this Town Property or State right of way?  The resident said she was told this is not a police matter – Selectmen discussed this, Administrative Assistant was instructed to give the Chief copy of the ordinance.
·       Library Trustees – Review Correspondence from Maryann Grant RE:  new appointment, Selectmen support the appointment of Michael Sparling, who has come forward to fill this vacancy.
·       Budget – Selectmen discussed budgetary changes that have come up
·       Review Misc. Mail – Selectman Kullgren read a note that was attached to the tax bill of Sylvia Shea, noting that a 17% increase in the tax rate is inexcusable.   Selectmen would like a letter sent to Mrs. Shea explaining the increase and compare the town percentage vs. school vs. county.   Selectmen want to review the letter before it is mailed out.
·       Meeting – Selectmen reviewed their holiday schedules, the Board will change their meeting the week of December 25 to Tuesday 12/26 @ 5:45; the week of December 18, they will come in on 12/20 @5:45 to sign documents only.  The first meeting of the year the meeting schedule will return to Thursdays at 5:45.
·       Town report – Selectman Dumas would like suggestions for the Selectmen’s Report.  Dumas would like a list of warrant articles with proper wording.  Memo to all Departments of the Budget Meeting Feb. 6 at 6:30, if necessary any department can have a meeting prior to the budget meeting.
·       Sign Correspondence
o       Cemetery lot – William Hopkins
o       Intent – to – Cut- (supplemental) Brooks/Kozlowski; Markham
o       A/P manifest (NH Retirement)
o       Appointment for Michael Sparling – Library Trustee
Administrative Assistant noted she received a call from a reporter of the Keene Sentinel, the reporter was asking for a Selectman to contact her regarding the increase in our tax rate. No comment from the Selectmen.

Management letter – Selectmen reviewed the recommendations from the Auditors regarding their management letter.  Recommendations to be accepted, they are as follows:
o       Implementing CRF will be brought before Town Meeting for voters to decide
o       Police Special Duty – Payment of detail will be paid the following pay week; billing will take place via the Town Office to allow for tracking through QuickBooks.
o       Library Reports – In accordance with RSA 202:A the Library Trustees will submit a financial report to be printed in the annual town report.
Selectmen reviewed an employee timecard who is supposed to have 5 hours Highway, 5 hours General Government Building and 30 hours Recycling; the time cards do not reflect any hours for the highway.  Selectman Kullgren asked the Administrative Assistant why aren’t these hours being worked.  The Road Agent &/or the employee will need to verify this question.
Bruce Dodge stated that the Advisory Budget Committee would like to see the entire budget cut by  $120,000.00 to keep the budget flat, he further stated that any added warrant articles need to be offset by a reduction of the general budget or an increase of revenues. Their suggestion is noted.
Revenue side:  Interest and penalties were reviewed; Selectmen would like a 5-year report of interest & penalties from tax collector for next week.
Expense:  Administrative Assistant discussed one reduction could be to print the Spirit quarterly rather than bi-monthly; this could potentially have a $3,700.00 savings for the overall budget.
Highway budget – Bruce Dodge asked about the increase in road reconstruction and exactly why it increased.  Administrative Assistant reviewed the original submitted budget; a 10% increase was due to fuel surcharges.  Dodge further asked about the rental line item; Selectman Rainier commented the rental is used for other projects as well.
Overtime – Dodge asked if this line can be reduced – Selectman Kullgren commented that mitigation of time usage could reduce the overtime budget.  Selectman Kullgren commented he would like to know what will the cost of the Dodge Road repair actually be; based on what figure is in the budget, what other projects are going to be completed.
Police– Kullgren asked why hasn’t the special detail revenues be done, if that happened then the Police Dept. could get the new computer this year, if the billing comes in for $3,000.00 it could be used to purchase the computer.

Recycle – Selectman Dumas proposed that the Recycle Supervisor hours be increased to 35 hours, with the remaining 5 hours to be applied to General Government Buildings.  Discussion followed, Administrative Assistant was instructed to verify the liability for a volunteer to bale.  Does he/she have to have someone there when he/she bales.  Administrative Assistant will report back at the next meeting.
Motion by Selectman Dumas to increase the Recycle Supervisor hours by 5 hours/week, with the remaining 5 hours to be applied to General Government Buildings.  Seconded by Selectman Kullgren.  Voted all in favor.
Warrant Articles – Selectmen reviewed the proposed warrant articles.  They will be presented to the Board in written form.
NHMA dues, SWRPC – Selectman Rainier asked about the billing for these two organizations, if it is calculated per capita, they should be closer to the same figure.  Administrative Assistant will look into this question.
With no further business Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 8:11 pm.  The next scheduled meeting is Wednesday, December 20, 2006 at 5:45 pm.